26 April 2005

Any word on my condition?

Date: Tuesday, 26 April 2005 3:55pm ET
Subject: Any word on my condition?

I am sending an updated schedule of courses offered that satisfy my requirements I must meet. What school should I consider registering for? (NC State would be the best possibility considering its proximity to my house and I could find students working on the same courses) The only thing is that NC State only offers one course per semester. Is that ok? And what again about the Praxis. It was said in our meeting that an extension would be possible. Does that mean that I sign up for next May's PRAXIS.

Jane Whitehurst
Apex High School

p.s. what about house bill 706? Will this rectify my situation?

17 April 2005

RE: Jane's letter to NC Senate

Date: Sunday, 17 April 2005 8:25pm ET
From: Nealh@ncleg.net
Subject: RE: Jane's letter to NC Senate

Thank you. I read the letter and will support the legislation when it gets to the Senate.

Neal Hunt

14 April 2005


Date: Thursday, 14 April 2005 8:02am ET
Subject: RE:Information

Everyone is talking about your e-mail. I was requested to send it to the State Board Chariman so maybe you will get your stuff fixed before too long.

Susan Harrison

13 April 2005


Date: Wednesday, 13 April 2005 8:17am ET
Subject: RE:Information

Transmitting for Susan Harrison:

Susan is out of the office for the remainder of the day. She did have an opportunity to review your information and said it was very well presented and that you had done an excellent job of this document. It is perfect. The best one she has seen so far and she is planning to share it with others. She also indicated that you might add that members of the Senate should also be included as recipients.

Thanks. Anne
Susan Harrison

12 April 2005

Update on Course Search

Date: Tuesday, 12 April 2005 4:06pm ET
Subject: Update on Course Search

Please see if Jessica Bragg or someone else could fill in the missing information.
I have worked for a week to no avail to complete the chart.

I don't see one course offered this summer, so I am hoping that you can allow an extension to finish the courses next year as well as the praxis (seeing that Bill 706 may or may not get passed)
Jane Whitehurst


Date: April 12, 2005
To: Jeannette Sanford, Assistant Principal, Apex High School
CC: Dr. Thomas Dixon: Principal, Apex High School
Mike Chappell: Director of High School Staffing, Wake County Public Schools
RE: Resignation

Dear Ms. Sanford:
Attached you will find a blank resignation letter.
You proposed a full-time math position to me on Thursday, May 12, 2005. You made me aware of the necessity to let go of a teacher in the math department were I to accept such a position. I cannot and will not accept responsibility for someone having lost a job.
I have also been made aware by the human resources department of North Carolina Public Schools that the Wake County school system could have rectified this situation. Because the county chooses not to allocate funds differently to allow me to continue teaching computer science at Apex High School, the county will lose an excellent teacher.
Therefore, I cannot in good conscience sign a letter to resign my position here at Apex High School. I do not want to leave. I love my students. I enjoy my colleagues. I feel I am extremely qualified for the position. I would love for you to resolve this matter, so that I may continue teaching computer science.
Sincerely, Jane S. Whitehurst

10 April 2005

USPS Letter to Kathy Sullivan

April 10, 2005

Dear Mrs. Sullivan:

My name is Jane Whitehurst, and I am currently teaching computer programming (Visual Basic, C++, and Java) at Apex High School in Apex, North Carolina. I am writing this letter to try to resolve a certification issue and to help ensure my job status for next year as a CTE teacher for the school year 2005-2006.

In January 2004, I requested a transfer within Wake County from Broughton High School to Apex High School. At Broughton I was teaching prealgebra, algebra, computer science I (scheme), II (scheme), III (c++), IV(c++), AP (java), and IB (java) all within the math department. At Apex, I teach computer programming courses, visual basic, c++, and java, all of which are in the CTE Business Department.

I asked for my transcripts to be evaluated to obtain licensing in CTE Business to teach these courses. I received a letter dated April 23 from Algina Mitchell, Site Coordinator of the Nash Regional Alternative Licensing Center stating that I had to complete credit for two courses, "Instructional Methods" and "Work Based Learning/Organization", as well as pass the PRAXIS II Subject test in order to maintain my employment status.

The PRAXIS exam tests only skills in economics, money management, business, processing information, communication, accounting, and marketing. My computer programming knowledge could not be evaluated with such an exam, and I was hired only to teach computer-programming courses. I am teaching the same courses this year as I did last year (only difference is the department in which I am teaching now--CTE), and I am using the pacing guide that I created; therefore, I do not understand the rationale for my having to take additional courses, as well as the Praxis.

I approached my county licensure administrator, Jessica Bragg, to determine a solution for this situation, and she stated that I would need to go to the state department and speak with someone in person about my situation. I contacted a colleague in Guilford County, who suggested John Baars as a contact in the State Department of Public Instruction. Mr. Baars gave me your name as someone who could help. To help you understand my background, here is a list of my credentials:

§ Current employment - Wake County (where I helped create programming pacing guides)
§ 3 years employment - Oak Creek High School, Wisconsin (where I wrote the programming curriculum)
§ A Wisconsin license to teach computer programming in high school
§ A post-baccalaureate certification in computer science 9-12
§ A master of science in computer science education
§ An undergraduate bachelor of arts in computer science with an education minor

I am requesting that you help me with this certification issue, as I believe I should be allowed to have certification in CTE to teach these courses without additional conditions. If I can answer any questions, or if I need to meet with you or someone in person, please let me know. I will certainly appreciate any help you can give me in getting this certification issue resolved, and I look forward to hearing from you soon. You may contact me at 919-971-5133 (cell) or email me at jwhitehurst@wcpss.net. Thank you for your time.


Jane Sutherland Whitehurst
Teacher, CTE Computer Science

c: Mrs. Shelia White, Education Program Specialist Rebecca Privett, CTE Chairperson, Apex High Mrs. Judith Israel, Education Program Specialist Dixie Newsome, CTE Senior Director, WCPSS

08 April 2005

URGENT *NC House Bill 706*

Date: Friday, 8 April 2005 10:25am ET
To: ncsenatemembers@ms.ncga.state.nc.us, cbwhiteh@unity.ncsu.edu, jwhitehurst@unity.ncsu.edu
Subject: URGENT *NC House Bill 706*

Please forward the following mandate to your NC Senators in the general assembly:
list of senators: http://www.ncleg.net/gascripts/members/memberList.pl?sChamber=Senate

PLEASE PASS House Bill 706
Facilitate Hiring Teachers

*** It is URGENT to move this Bill to Legislation and PASS it QUICKLY ***

The School System is currently recruiting teachers for the school year 2005-2006.
Highly Qualified teachers are needed in ALL classrooms.
Teacher Shortage in North Carolina needs to be controlled.
Let the School System hire Qualified teachers from anywhere in the United States.
Don't let what happened to me happen to anyone else.

My name is Jane Whitehurst. I currently teach Computer Science at Apex High School, in North Carolina. I am teaching under a provisional business license and am about to lose my job even though I am highly qualified. To help you understand why, here are my credentials:

· An undergraduate bachelor of arts in computer science with an education minor from Clemson University, SC
· A master of science in computer science education from Cardinal Stritch University, Wisconsin
· A post-baccalaureate certification in computer science 9-12 from Cardinal Stritch University, Wisconsin
· A Wisconsin license in Computer Science (405) to teach computer programming in high school (9-12)
· 3 years employment - Oak Creek High School, Wisconsin (where I wrote the programming curriculum)
· A North Carolina license in Mathematics (200) with Computer Endorsement (18079)
· Teacher at Broughton High School (Wake County, NC) - algebra and computer science in the Math dpt.
· Created computer science pacing guides for Wake County
· Teacher at Apex High School, (Wake County, NC) - computer science in the Business dpt.

Unfortunately, the law stands now to not allow me to teach Computer Programming courses because they are taught in the Business Department and I don't meet NC guidelines for a business license even though I only teach computer programming; I do however meet the requirements to teach these courses in the Math department. This situation needs to be rectified because there is no reason to lose good teachers.

07 April 2005

Re: CTE Teacher: Possible Loss of Employment

Date: Thursday, 7 April 2005 3:44pm ET
To: jwhitehurst
From: jatkinson9@nc.rr.com
Subject: Re: CTE Teacher: Possible Loss of Employment

Jane, I do wish that there was something I could do to help you with your situation. With my not being an employee of the Dept. of Public Instruction yet, I do not have any means of helping to resolve your dilemma. At one time, a school district could issue a restricted license to teach a limited number of courses in a field, but I do not know if that option is now available. I would ask Kathy Sullivan or your local personnel person if that is an option now. Kathy Sullivan, one the people with whom you talked, is responsible for making the final decision, based on State Board of Education policy.

I do know that NCSU has some on-line courses that are geared to teachers who work full time and have to take courses. The contact person for NCSU is Dr. Terry O'Brien, 515.1743

06 April 2005

FW:CTE Certification for Jane Whitehurst, Wake County

Date: Wednesday, 6 April 2005 8:29am ET
Subject: FW:CTE Certification for Jane Whitehurst, Wake County

Please read the attached letter. Please note that you will be receiving a copy in the mail.
Jane Whitehurst