26 January 2005


Date: Wednesday, 26 January 2005 11:04am ET
To: jwhitehurst, jwhitehurst@earthlink.net
From: charlies@triad.rr.com
Subject: aclu

I wish I had the money to support you on this. But, maybe my not having it is to your advantage.

Lay out your entire case to these guys and see if they agree with your cause. If they do, they will really be a help.

You had to exhaust your options before going to them. And, they will, if they accept your cause, keep an eye on your progress after the case is settled.

Explain your financial and family situation, your struggle, and list your qualifications and accolades, and be sure to mention your association with and your duties in the union in Milwaukee. Explain how you feel your cause can be translated into better situations and less stress for teachers, better schools, and much better education for our children.

The mere fact that the ACLU agrees with your cause, may bring the school to their knees. Let's hope it works.

You should also mention that the administration threatened you with black balling if you decided to sue. Too bad you don't have a recording...

Right is right and sometimes the devil is your best advocate.

Let me know what they say.
Loving Dad

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