10 January 2007

Re: NC Course Requirements & Certification

Date: January 10, 2007 5:02 PM
From: Chris Stephenson
Re: NC Course Requirements & Certification
Hello Everyone,

Thank you all very much for responding to my request for information about how the new framework for core courses will impact computing education in North Carolina, and more specifically where computer science will fit under the proposed structure.

In order to keep you in the loop, I wanted to send you an update of what CSTA has learned so far.

From the many emails I received, it seems that AP CS courses are currently accepted as a core math credit except in Wake County, where several members have told me it falls under CTE.

I spoke to the folks at the Department of Public Instruction and they told that they have not decided where computer science will fit within the proposed framework. As far as I can discern, the present options seem to be:

• AP CS as a math credit and the rest as CET endorsement courses
• AP CS as an AP endorsement course and the rest as CET endorsement courses
• AP CS and the rest as CET endorsement courses
• All computing courses as Business courses (I don't think they are actually considering this one).

The person I spoke to at DPI told me there is *no* specific plan under consideration. It is clear, however, that what ever they decide will have impact not just on courses and students, but on teacher certification as well.

Right now there is no specific certification for CS teachers in North Carolina so, among the current population of CS teachers, some are math certified (required in districts where AP CS is considered a math course), some are CET certified (if they are teaching "programming" courses under CET) and some are business certified (may also be teaching CET courses and possibly AP CS as well). No matter which of the options they choose, if they apply it state-wide many teachers will not be able to teach CS without getting additional certifications. For example, if they choose the first option, (AP CS as a math credit and the rest as CET endorsement courses) the teachers in Wake County who have CET certification would not be able to teach AP CS unless they also acquired math certification. The real problem, of course is that they do not have a specific certification process for computing that would actually cover the computing content from CET through AP CS.

The DP folks tell me that the final decision in this matter will depend upon input received at the pubic hearings. Douglass Davis (one of our NC CSTA members) emailed me to say that he had asked for both of us to be added to the meeting announcement/press release list so we should be notified once the locations and dates of the meetings has been announced. I believe there are going to be eight meetings in different parts of the state.

I asked the DOP folks if we could have any input as a national body and they suggested we write the Chair of the State Board of Education and ask, but I am not sure we would get very far because they seem to be focusing on local input to the meetings. I think this is why it is very important to have at least one local member at each meeting if possible.

As soon as I have the information about the meetings, I will send it out to you and we will see what we can get organized.

Thanks so much for your input in this matter!

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