05 February 2007

Re: Regional Meeting on Core Curriculum

Date: February 5, 2007 6:22 PM
To: Jwhitehurst
From: Chris Stephenson
Re: Regional Meeting on Core Curriculum

Hi Jane,

I am glad to hear that you are going to be attending since you are extraordinarily well-versed on the issues.

I think the key point is that the computer science is an academic scientific discipline and that it needs to be recognized and dealt with as such and that the state needs to do something to rationalize that current inconsistencies between counties relating to where CS belongs.

It might be helpful to mention that this issue has been extensively studied in other states (for example Texas) with the resulting decision that computer science courses are considered eligible as a math or science credit under their new guidelines for core courses.

I am not sure you want to get into the teacher certification issues at this point.

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