04 January 2008

CSTA Leadership Application

1. Number of years of computer science teaching experience 7

2. List your major concerns regarding the current state of computer science education.

The number above should read nine because I’ve been teaching 9 years, but the last two I wasn’t allowed to teach computer science. I am “over-qualified, under certified”. NC has NO computer science certification. They, instead, offer teachers the position of computer science teacher with either a mathematics or career-tech business license. Neither of those licenses account for knowledge-base of computer programming of application for that matter. This is not fair to students who have a vested interest in learning, not just doing.

3. Describe your experience with local computer science advocacy efforts.

See my blog at http://justthinkfirst.blogspot.com/ which highlights the conversations I’ve had with Senators, NC DPI leaders, County School Board, Human Resources, etc.

4. What would you like to get out of the summer workshop and participation in this advocacy effort?

I want a solid front to support me when challenging NCDPI to create a computer science certification. I want to be able to say “this state does this…that state does that…we should do…” and get ACTUAL RESULTS, not “yeah, we’ll think about it” like I’ve gotten for 6 years.

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