12 April 2005


Date: April 12, 2005
To: Jeannette Sanford, Assistant Principal, Apex High School
CC: Dr. Thomas Dixon: Principal, Apex High School
Mike Chappell: Director of High School Staffing, Wake County Public Schools
RE: Resignation

Dear Ms. Sanford:
Attached you will find a blank resignation letter.
You proposed a full-time math position to me on Thursday, May 12, 2005. You made me aware of the necessity to let go of a teacher in the math department were I to accept such a position. I cannot and will not accept responsibility for someone having lost a job.
I have also been made aware by the human resources department of North Carolina Public Schools that the Wake County school system could have rectified this situation. Because the county chooses not to allocate funds differently to allow me to continue teaching computer science at Apex High School, the county will lose an excellent teacher.
Therefore, I cannot in good conscience sign a letter to resign my position here at Apex High School. I do not want to leave. I love my students. I enjoy my colleagues. I feel I am extremely qualified for the position. I would love for you to resolve this matter, so that I may continue teaching computer science.
Sincerely, Jane S. Whitehurst

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